
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2018
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Estudia y practica para el bachi y la PAA. Video tutoriales sobre la PAA UCR: V1 V2 V3 V4

Prácticas en línea gratuitas: para Física 10 año 510 ejercicios. Complemento del libro Fïsica 1. Quiero Aprender. En Matemáticas, arqueomática, bachillerato, Zapandí.

Prácticas para las pruebas FARO
Tutorías de Fikismática. Consulta aquí

Discussing the mystery of the Costa Rica stone balls. Can we call them spheres? Who sculpted them and what was it purpose? The canquerrique enigma.

 Also you can read  " El pueblo que se obsesionó con la geometría esférica" (spanish but you can translate with google)   Background Costa Rica balls are sculptures dated from 500 B.C to 1500 A.C that were found in the south-eastern pacific region; called Diquís delta, near the Térraba river and Fila Grisera mountains. The culture that sculpted the stones balls will be called in this work as " CANQUERRIQUE people " because CAN means stone in boruca indian language and _querrique is a common suffix used by the huetar precolombinan people in many settlements names. This a personal view of the author of this work, to emphasize that we don't know who were the sculptors. The natives that were found by the europeans about 1500 to 1600 a.c. were not the sculptors (as bruncas, cabécar, cotos etc). About 500-1000 b.c., Canquerricans reached their maximum. They dominated the diquís delta and the surroundings. They reached the Talamanca mountains and th...