How perfect is the Dürer magic square. A 180 degrees hidden symmetry is discovered.

180 degrees symmetry. This draw is in the title Melencolia I, betwen the word Melencolia and the roman number I. In 1514, the german engraver and great artist, Albert Dürer published his work called Melencolia I . Many mysteries surround this master work. You can see some elements as: a woman angel with a indecipherable look, a cherub, a rainbow, a comet, a flying bat and a mathematical magic square of 4*4. Here, we focus on this last element. Dürer published in Melencolia I, one of the first magic square that are known in mathematical history. Melencolia I. 1514 Dürer master work A mathematical square have some special properties. For example a 4*4 magic square has 16 integers from 1 to 16. They are placed in a such special way that each column, row and diagonal have the same result (34) when the four integers are added. This a basic feature of a magic square. There are different degrees of perfection in a magic square. For example, if the four integers o...