An explanation of Melencolia I. 1514 Albrecht Durer's engraving. Superman logo is depicted?

Icon that depicts the 180 symmetry . Melencolia I. 1514 Dürer engraving The meaning of Melencolia I have been a puzzle for mankind during the last 504 years. The most intriguing work of the Renaissance's genius: Albretch Dürer. In this article, attention is focused on two elements that are the key to understand Dürer's work. The first one, is the mathematical 180 degrees symmetry depicted in Melencolia I. The second are the mistakes that Dürer intentionally produced in the engraving. Three element in the engraving have a 180 degree symmetry: 1- The S on the title of the engraving (separating the melencolia word from the roman number one) 2- The faces of the polyhedron (Not all). 3- And more difficult to observe and prove, the magic square (see the other entry in this blog about the subject of the Dürer magic square.. The errors intentionally engraved by the artist: 1-The misspelling of the word melancolia just in plain sight (Melencolia I) 2-An err...